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Finally...a little reprieve!

Guess what... I fell over in a jacuzzi the other day... wow was that special! That has to be one of the best to date! I was sitting down...all nice and bubbly and then suddenly I went to sit on my leg and I fell. Totally lost all my balance and dunked myself into the jacuzzi with great finesse and style.. I had to be yanked out by my long suffering friend and dragged to the surface with a mouth full of hot bubbles!! Hilarious!

Balance is the item for discussion today! Apparently.. as we've been learning (!) It's the key.. and the secret! My good ear isn't interested, so it seems that my eyes have taken up the duty!! Not too effectively though! If I have to do anything where the world around me is moving (the visual stimulus) then I get a bit confused as to whether it's me thats moving or the world and bad things happen!!!

I love it!! But it's true and I AM SKILLED!!!

Im pushing on with all the different treatments and I have been doing everything the doctors have said, relaxing, listening to my body,focusing on balance and hearing, eating better, new drugs and physio.. and chocolate.. (oh.. that's not in there is it!!) It's all working together, and it means I have tools to manage the symptoms and do my best. Now I give myself a bad day when i need one and I'm burnt out and then I just carry on! I feel a bit more steady!

However... Doc in London says because I rely on my eyes I need some VIRTUAL PHYSIO... I think this sounds like a doddle!

"Do I even have to do anything?" I said!!

hahah If only that were true! In fact as far as I understood him, I get to be made to balance on something not flat.. and then jiggled around a bit to induce dizziness and a general feeling of URGH! hah. Great! Sounds like a fun afternoon! I'll keep you posted! All in efforts to make my ears do better what my eyes think they are good at right now!!

Some good news?? For the first time in TWO YEARS I can say I ACTUALLY FEEL A LITTLE BIT MORE NORMAL!!!! Hoooorah! I never thought that day would come! I have it kinda under control. :)

When this all started I thought that I had to prove to people I was the same person. I thought I needed to show how I could still do it all and nothing was different. It's only now that I can look back and see that I don't need to do that at all. That actually Morris is now part of my story and he's shaped me too, just like all the other adventures in my life. I am me, and I have Morris. Morris interferes, but I'm learning how to handle him. It's just like any other relationship!! Stormy one minute.. great the next, but I don't regret any of it. I don't like it... and I don't recommend it. But I wouldn't swap what I've learnt about me and the people around me and how valuable things are, FOR THE WORLD. Everything that's sent to try us I guess will teach us something, and I've learnt that I can just be me and I am accepted for my funny little foibles now! So I'm wonky at times, so I forget words for things, and I muddle things up... I'm still Jude and I'm still loved! (maybe even more so cos I'm funnily stoopid sometimes! )

Please keep emailing and facebooking me. I love hearing from you. I have compiled a nice little collection of stories for the "experiences" page of my website and it WILL happen this year. I've had an issue with my web builder.. but I've got more focus to work on it and It will get sorted! So many of you have amasing stories to tell.. and I would love Morris's site to be a platform to get them out. So bear with me!!!

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