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Virtual Physio, virtually ruined more like!


So I've had it... I went to have the virtual physio. Walked in straight.. walked out in a very wonky manner!! Why? Take a look at the pictures!!....

What a day it was... the first picture involved the floor moving up and down and side to side and the walls around me doing the opposite! Suffice to say I failed every test at staying up straight!! It was awful! The second picture they closed that curtain around me and a second, to make it pitch black and then they spun the chair around and expected me to keep my eyes on the target. This was absolutely terrifying. I felt like I was going to fall out of the chair. I felt pretty sick and my eyes just kept rolling in my head to try and keep up! Horrid!!! When the audiologist secured me in to both activites I laughed... "I'm fine" I said..!!!!!!! hahah Am I glad or what!!!

The last test didn't get a picture because my friend sat shocked and then was busy trying to calm me down! It involved lying on my back and them squirting high velocity various temp water in my ears. Smarts a little but you get used to it. When theyve done 30seconds of squirting they ask you to focus with both eyes on a dot in the ceiling to be able to see your eyemovements through special glasses. Morris's side was easy... Defunct.. Nada... Nothing!! The dot is supposed to swim a bit. But obviously Morris had wrecked that response.

The other side... I had the most awful flashback to being in the high dependency unit. When I looked at the dot it became two... and it got further and further apart to the point I was scrabbling around on the bed to try and get lower to be able to keep the two in focus. My friend said my eyes were rolling all over the place!! It was the double vision I had at the beginging!!!

Well... It recovered after 20seconds or so as it should have which was good. But It wasn't much fun!! However... It explains why I often can't see properly after a splash landing in the sea!! All the water in my ear making my visual response go funny!!! haha.

The upshot of the day was.... Yes I need some intensive physio to help with the balance. My good ear apparently can't be bothered to help and I rely totally on a visual stimulus which is why when it's dark, or fast moving or moving at all I get wonky or I can't process the picture. So all good really! It was funny because they tested every sense that I had been complaining about. Finally some reassurance that I wasn't making it up :) If you have balance problems.. I really urge you to go and get some more physio. Even this far down the line. It can really help. It makes you feel a bit urgh to start with, but It will start to help.

Just as an update... The pain receptor drugs have really started helping alot. I'm pleased with that. Less headaches. Now I need to focus on good diet, less stress and better sleep patterns! Half my tongue remains numb, and my eye is still really dry..but they are much worse when I'm in a bad phase. Being deaf.... To be honest I can't remember what it was like not to be. You get used to adjusting for it. Judes

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